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Can I add a new payee using the Barclays app?
Yes you can, for more information please see our handy video guides on the links below: International Clients Private…
How do I search for a payment?
Please log in to Online Banking. 1. Click on the name of your account to see more of it (under My accounts)2. You will now see more about the transactions…
In payments, what does Pending mean?
This means we’ve started execution of the payment or transfer but the payment has not cleared our payment processes yet.
What are the opening hours for your Isle of Man Branches?
The Branch Opening hours in the Isle of Man are as follows: Our Douglas branch is open: Days Opening Hours Monday 09.15 - 16.30 Tuesday 09.15…
How can I enable / disable 'Push Notifications'?
'Push notifications' are pieces of information that are pushed to your device to make you aware of something.They are free and you know who they are coming…
How do I access Barclays Cloud it?
On your Online Banking Screen: 1. Select the blue drop down arrow on the top right corner (under your name)2. Select My Barclays documents
How do I view my Debit Card PIN in Online Banking?
You can view your Debit Card PIN immediately in your Online Banking and using your Online Banking, or Barclays app. Via Online Banking You can…
Can I withdraw money from my deceased relative's account to pay for the funeral?
We are sorry for your loss and will do what we can to help. Normally, we can pay, or part pay, your funeral bill (this does not include additional costs…
What interest rate am I currently receiving?
International clients Please refer to our Interest Rates Local island clients (Jersey, Guernsey, IOM) Please refer to our Interest Rates
Can I pay any bills that may occur from the deceased's account?
Any outgoing payments from the deceased's account must be managed by the Executor, appointed within the will. The Executor can arrange payments from an…