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How does Chip & PIN work?
Your credit or debit card has a chip in it, which helps boost your card security. The chip uses sophisticated processing to identify genuine cards…
How do I set up my preferences?
On your Online Banking 'Home' Screen: 1. Click on 'Profile' 2. Under 'Communication preferences' you will find options for Statement and…
What if I want to use my Chip and PIN card in a shop without Chip and PIN facilities?
You can still sign to authorise your payment. It’s therefore vital you sign the back of your card.
Why can’t I see my saved log in details?
You need cookies enabled in your browser. Cookies are small bits of data that remember things about you, like your log-in details.
What are received documents?
These are documents we’ve sent you via Online Banking secure messages.
Where can I learn more about fraud protection?
The Barclays Wealth website contains lots of information about how you can protect yourself from financial fraud. In addition we recommend the following…
If I delete my membership details from this computer, will they become invalid?
No, if you delete your membership details from this computer, you can still use them to log in to Online Banking. However, it will be harder for someone…
What is the closing balance?
This is the total amount you had in your account at the close of business last night.
How do I cancel a Direct Debit?
On your Online Banking Screen: 1. Navigate to Move Money2. Click on Transfers, Standing Orders and Direct Debits 3. Select your account4. Select Direct…